Luke: I'm out too- this date was a total waste of clean underwear! And evil! Kick,kick,sting. Christina: Okay, Daddy and I will be back tomorow in time for your science fair, but first we have to fly to the set of Galactapus 2. I don't even want a birthday! Zuri:Actually,it's a real bull. They both seem fine,and it's not like you're going to marry either of these guys! (shows a box decorated with water pictures with a water faucet on the top). (Winks at Jessie. Christina: Nanny Kay quit? Actually,she's not wrong. Jessie:Can it,science boy! Jessie: Your closet is like a mall! Jessie: Wha, did you stay up all night watching movies again? Morgan: No, sweetie, my movie is running way behind schedule, I mean, Galactapus hasn't even devoured Angelina Jolie yet. Help! (He grabs on to Emma, Emma screams. Jessie:My problem is that I'm going to be unemployed if you guys don't stop goofing around. Or,an hour,that fazool binds you right up! Michelle:Oh,if I told you that,it wouldn't be called the Secret Service. Luke:Are we done here? Jessie:Guys,knock it off! I really appreciate it,but there's only an hour until the deadline. No matter what. Jessie (Debbie Ryan) and Emma (Peyton List) compete for cute actor Jordan's attention! We need to shoot the scene where Chantal meets Toby. And his little wings are wagging!(chuckles). I know all about love! Zuri:There's gotta be something you can do! (walks away). Zuri;Oh,no! Zuri:And when he eats that,he'll make you another one! Christina: Oh, well we'll make it up to her! Jessie:(looks at Luke)Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Emma:I don't know why he's so cranky! Luke:He's not getting his face back until I get the rest of mine! Jessie: Oh, yeah? Jessie: Help! Text to Speech from Walter White (New) TTS Computer Voice. Christina: Well, according to our security team, you're a straight-A student, a universal blood donor- which could come in handy with our kids-AND, you have a squeaky-clean record! Luke speaks to Jessie with his hand on her back)and maybe after dinner we could (Scene changes to in the kitchen of the Ross apartment. Jessie:Did you guys hear about that alien invasion? Oh, yes, again! (points), (scene changes to screening room,time changes to day). That is cold. Jessie:OK,even if I wanted to do that,which I don't,where would I find a werewolf costume on such short notice? (Jessie looks to a poker-faced Mr. Now get to work,before he wakes up! Jessie:Why didn't they tell you that sooner? Jessie: Here, you try. LADY 2- Zuri? Just use the frag rifle. Jessie:(to Ravi)OK. Just remember the routine we practiced. Bertram:(carries a plate)Craft services is here with lunch! JESSIE- Sorry about that, kids. This is only option 4 out of 10. This relationship is over! Zuri:The big one-oh is huge. See,by staying strong,helping out around the house and supporting your mom from here at home,both you and your grandmother are serving our country just as much as your mom is. Mrs.Harris:Oh,well,Taylor just misses her mother more than usual lately,what with her tenth birthday coming up. Zuri:I saw a nice leafy plant on Mrs.Chesterfield's terrace,(grunting)so I lassoed it,and I'm bringing it up! Sgt.Harris:Taylor! She won't take my calls anymore. Jessie: Hey Ravi. (points to a blue planet on her science project.). was a puppet. Jessie:Oh,no! (Ravi starts filming while Luke holds the microphone), (Jessie runs while holding luggage and falls). We decided to change the site's name to AnimationScreencaps in 2018 to better reflect that we do cap many non-Disney movies too. The Incredibles/Transcript. Are You Cooler Than a Fifth Grader? (runs), (Ravi looks in shock,school bus leaves in 16:45). (puts her phone down), (Zuri is hula hooping while Jessie repeats what Zuri is doing but fails. Jessie: No,no,no,no. Jessie:You know,Ravi,I could coach you in the fine art of mascot-ary. Tony: (helps Jessie stand) Whoa, you must be a really bad tipper! But first,smile! When you fall to the ground,I say:"Aw,man,are you OK?". Or whatever you were before. Used Karma 4. Luke: Oh well, ours will be a forbidden love Jessie: Starting now. Coach Penny:(scoffs) Why does everything at this school always have to be about the students? Jessie:Well,at least we're finally alone together,Toby. They are good. Give me back my moon! Except for once in third grade, you went to the bathroom without a hall pass Jessie: If you tasted the cafeteria food, you'd completely understand armadillo does not go down easy. (waves hands). Emma:Or feel free to sit there slack-jawed. Whoopsie! 06/07/22 - Southeastern names 3,797 to spring 2022 honors list . Please don't let anymore of his face be missing! Zuri,Jessie,Mrs.Harris,Taylor and Sgt.Harris:Yeah!(chuckle). Jessie:(sighs)I am completely exhausted. (pushes Ravi away)Where's Zuri? Our school is having try-outs for the Walden Mascot,Waldorf the Wasp. Zuri: Whatever. Jessie:Yeah,I'm not sure what you said,but if it means you shouldn't dance,I agree. But I don't even know your name! He's definitely not going to be on a baby-food jar! I am sick and tired of this! And hypoallergenic. Coach Penny:Ugh! And nothing can ruin this perfect moment. gemini and scorpio parents gabi wilson net worth 2021. disney jessie transcripts. I'm sorry I upset Mr. Kipling, so, I made him some chicken-fried crickets! Jessie Episode Tran scripts s01e01 - New York, New Nanny s01e02 - The Talented Mr. Kipling s01e03 - Used Karma s01e04 - Zombie Tea Party 5 s01e05 - One Day Wonders s01e06 - Zuri's New Old Friend s01e07 - Creepy Connie Comes a Callin s01e08 - Christmas Story s01e09 - Star Wars s01e10 - Are You Cooler Than a 5th Grader? Taylor:No,my mom is serving overseas. The kid playing Martha was as wooden as my teeth! (sighs)I guess I'll just have to go out with the super-hunk instead. Ravi:Everything will be fine. (takes cheese and walks away), Ravi:Better hurry,Jessie! Jessie:Never mind. Maybe even good! That's what love is like! Jessie:There's no good answer to this,but what's the rope for? ), (audience cheers indifferently(totes lame)). Jessie:Well,your plan will never work! Emma:(carries bag)Uh,Jessie,we have a small issue. Emma:I know,but after that is when I get all my meetings and trendsetting done. Jessie: They ran away! Zuri:Look,I know you're slammed at the office,but I have a big favor to ask. You just made the first cut! Not that I'm taking sides. Mrs.Harris:Who are you talking about? (While walking over to Ravi's door, and knocking. Bertram:(takes a bag)The guy at the snack stand hadn't started cooking yet,so all I got was a bunch of ingredients. Zuri Ross, that's it. Where his dimples are at 3:00 and 9:00. Taylor:Hey guys,what are you talking about? I will always love you. Jessie: That's what you said about your volcano project! Luke: (walks in from the TV room) Almost. Emma: (walks down the stairs) Jessie,major crisis! (Turns and yells) Luke! Emma:I still haven't decided who to go out with! Jessie:But sometimes you find love in placed that you least expect it. I never thought I'd say this to a kid,butwould you like to stay for dinner? Jessie: I cannot believe you kids actually went up in a helicopter! Taylor:Uh,no thanks. In India, we just had one kind- melted. And I don't have the time to sit and audition tons of young,good looking guys! (Jessie picks up the controller and plays the game) Eat lead metalhead! Jessie:Where's a silver bullet when you need one? Atlantis: The Lost Empire/Script (first draft) Atlantis: The Lost Empire/Transcript. (stands up) Hey,did I ever tell you kids about the time I did a triple somersault at the big homecoming game? Christina: And, we realized that being there for you is really more important than any job. (ZOO-OO-OOM! A Troll in Central Park/Transcript. (To Christina) That extra broke my tentacle. I already called in an expert. That's not very sanitary! Scene: Elevator to the Rosses apartment opens showing Jessie pulled along by Zuri. But,someday you'll realize that what's outside isn't so important,it's what's on the inside that matters. Taylor:Oh,she'll sleep through anything. Luke:Hey,uh,did you ever find the answer to that question I asked you about? They are, believe me. Then you might want to prepare for a string of loser boyfriends. Ravi:I think I split something doing the splits. Jessie:OK,I'm still a little blinded from the beautiful,shiny baby,but it looks you're playing tug-of-war with Luke! Disney Channel 7.54M subscribers Subscribe 8.3K 1.3M views 2 years ago #JESSIE #disneychannel #throwbackthursday Emma's done. AWESOME! (Runs upstairs). They have these giant leaf holders there called trees! Emma:Michael's pros are he's super-sweet,smart,and easy to talk to. It's the only thing I've done today without messing it up. Zuri:Wait,how did you know it's Taylor's birthday? Jessie:Not so easy with a 40-pound shell on your back,pal! Morgan: Cut! Emma:I don't care who wins. Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . (scene starts in the penthouse living room). Emma:Hey,at least it involves sports. Jessie:(points to squirrel,chuckles)Unless that squirrel over there wants to try out for mascot,it looks like you're the only one who showed up. 'Cause I got some leaves to collect! Jessie:You know,Ravi,I could coach you in the fine art of mascot-ary. ( Andy's 1-year-old sister, Molly, crawls over and picks up Mr. Emma:Imagine what he'd look like with glitter. You're all eating my homework! Tony:I haven't seen you at any of the pack meetings. Ravi:I am a wasp. (yawns and stretches). Bertram:Did you actually just compliment my cleaning skills? Your eyes remind me of a full baboon. Jessie:OK,now,remember what we talked about. Ravi: It is New York. Jessie:Well,I thought it was awkward for you playing my boyfriend. The crossover starts off at Walden Academy where Emma Ross is in her history class. This is much more fun than playing Duck, Duck, Mongoose! Ravi:Oh,Luke,this is one competition you will not win. I didn't,and look at me now! I can't see! Zuri: Last time I pick a nanny up out of the gutter! Including now,myself. Emma:Soyou're not going to be able to make the science fair? No! (All the children scream 'me', while Morgan pulls out a lightsaber, and swings it), Morgan: Of course not, it's just a prop(Swings it, and the chair beside him is cut in half. The pharmacy chain assured 20 GOP attorneys it will hold off on dispensing pills (Atefeh gets up out of bed) Atefeh: *Yawns* Ahh, feels like it's gonna be a good day today. Just shave Bertram's back and glue it all over Tony. Jessie:Yeah,I can see how annoying that might be! Luke:He is real! Morgan: (To Christina) Wow, that extra is fantastic! Bertram is dusting the piano. (takes magazine quickly). (Jessie closes door while wearing a hot dog costume and holds sign that says "Dan's Hot Diggity Dogs"), Bertram: Well,mine just got better! Zuri:I also collected some caterpillars for next week's project! Is there going to be some imaginary monster behind the door? Emma: It's okay- don't worry about it. (Everyone stares at Luke), Jessie: Ravi, time for dinner! What are we going to do? Considering they don't eat meat, those lentil lovers have a surprising amount of stamina! I am yours,oh,beautiful ones! I am sure no one noticed! He is playing a videogame. Ravi, help! Zuri:How 'bout people stop cooking my work? Jessie:(yells)I did not! I can't believe you're here! Zombie Tea Party 5 5. You're staying, and you (Emma) should care! We're gonna play Pin the Stars on the General! (shows mask), (Luke looks at the mirror,creepy music plays), Luke:(screams loudly)(realizes that he has no eyebrows)(runs to the balcony to drop his mask). Christina, it's me, Jessie! Jessie:You don't know Reveille? Taylor:Me too. (Ross children plus Jessie shout with delight), (Zuri pulls Jessie to the couch, and stands on top of it.). Bertram:The grocery store started using this stupid delivery app! Once he reaches a cratered area, he lowers himself and closes his jetpack. Although,that mustard brings out your eyes! The winner is Luke! The snow was high,the morale was low-. You don't wanna wake him up.
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