These European elites understand everything they do, but they prefer to serve the interests of others. Of course, later on they started also investing here, but then the first wave was spent on consuming western goods. More lies. And this was done, it seems, in order for everyone to forget that over the last 10 years, it was the West who opened, who released the genie from the bottle as a result of wars. The elites of the West are not hiding their goals. However, we saw a growth in 2023, and this is growth compared to 2021. We are talking about the supply, about payments and benefits in case theyre wounded and local governors addressing me and reporting to me on the result of their work. We need to look at all elements. Our policy is based on freedom of choice for all to determine their own future and that of their children. And then there will also be treasury loans, interest treasury loans that will be issued for these purposes. However, behind our backs, a completely different scenario was being prepared. They also have to take into account that it is impossible to defeat Russia on the battlefield. Why? You remember that during pandemics we were providing support to other European countries, Italy and other countries, those who had the most difficult times. At the basis of new technologies, theres always fundamental sciences. And our future depends on how we use these opportunities. (01:32:08) We cannot overestimate the support. After the military coup in 2014, we decided to conduct a special military operation. This partial transcript was translated from Russian by Washington Post journalist Mary Ilyushina. People are doing everything they can in order to preserve the lives of our people, of our guys in the frontline. But there is another choice to be with your motherland, to work for the benefit of your compatriots. People have passed this spiritual connection on to their children and grandchildren. (52:22) They are aiming to inflict the strategic defeat. Here, we are proposing the following: First, we need to come back to the traditional basic training in the field of higher education with The course length would be from four to six years. And all we hear is, the West is insisting on a rules-based order. Developing cultural sphere would be one of the priorities for Donbas [inaudible 01:18:32] areas, we will be creating hundreds of cultural institutions, including museums and centers, centers that will allow people to feel the connection between the past and the present and the future, that will allow them to feel the belonging to the single cultural space. Youre either with us or against us. It even sounds strange. And this work is being conducted constantly. Just like in culture, we have to provide scientists and researchers greater freedom for creativity. 01/24/22, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov's Interview with So 01/02/22, Thousands Protest Vaccine Tyranny in Bucharest, Ro 10/03/21, Isnt It Time to Finally Stop Using the Term 09/02/21, Belarusian President Lukashenko Says IMF Offered A 09/09/20, SUA, rzboi pe dou fronturi. They do not want equal cooperation; they want to loot. If the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war. One-on-one against Hitlers Germany, we would not have withstood its onslaught and would have lost the war. And this would be three to 4% interest, five to seven years. Kiev threatened millions of people who came to express their will with repression. But it cannot be denied that the Americans sent us materiel without which we could not have formed our reserves or continued the war. All of that is based on market principles. Make your content more accessible to people with disabilities. Russian President Vladimir Putin delivers a video address to the nation, following the initiative of the country's lower house of parliament and security council to The West does not have any moral right to weigh in, or even utter a word about freedom of democracy. And all of that was done with a single purpose: to destroy the structure of international relations that was set up after the Second World War. There are cardinal major changes in the world. What could a good leader like Putin do? This is a call to our business to work in the new direction. And we will do this. By Darragh Roche On 3/3/23 at 4:37 AM EST. Weve got this massive program that we began in 2022. Under Title 17 U.S.C. Thanks to our strong balance, we do not have to ask for money abroad. Where are they taking it under the guise of ensuring the food security of the poorest countries? Valery Zor'Kin: Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin has been inaugurated as President of the Russian Federation. (The national anthem is played). Announcer: President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin! Today, we are fighting for a just and free path, first of all for ourselves, for Russia, in order to leave dictate and despotism in the past. That is why the choice of the people in Crimea, Sevastopol, Donetsk, Lugansk, Zaporozhye and Kherson makes them so furiously angry. The mortgage portfolio has also grown by 20.4%. In terms of housing market, we built around 100 million square meters of new housing and agriculture has also seen a great success. (01:07:59) That is why they target our philosophers for assassination. Some people want to live until the end of their life in an arrested palace with arrested account somewhere abroad. And if this does not work, they destroy entire states, leaving behind humanitarian disasters, devastation, ruins, millions of wrecked and mangled human lives, terrorist enclaves, social disaster zones, protectorates, colonies and semi-colonies. Has Russia Already Won? Theyre telling their citizens that its the Russians who are to blame and theyve used different tools. This support to our military, this support to the refugees is very important. Everyone needs to understand that the sources of wealth in the future should be only here in Russia. Dear colleagues, we have an approved plan of creation of a military force for the 2023, 2025, and we are working on it and correcting it as we go. According to the results of last year, banking sector received a profit, not as significant as in the previous years, but very significant. 3.7. One of Vladimir Putin's top propagandists has claimed that the UK is 'now the main evil', as Russia continues to spin its barbaric war in Ukraine.. However, I would like to emphasize that we need to take into account the conditions in which our large business was developing, technologies where Western cheaper money supply was in the west, and naturally, capital started to flow there as well. Loligarchia occidentale - Come Don Chisciotte. (01:04:52) And theyre betting trillions, trillions of dollars, and they are trying to continue robbing everyone else and theyre covering themselves with words of democracy and values. They want to turn a local conflict into a phase of global conflict. This will reduce their income tax base. Below is the full text of Vladimir Putins speech, published by the Kremlins official website: Citizens of Russia, citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples republics, residents of the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, deputies of the State Duma, senators of the Russian Federation. Good afternoon. And in this relation, Russia has to ensure the readiness of the Russian nuclear potential. God bless, it is up to them. Dear People are supporting their military and they cannot be just standing aside. People see the results of this program. We know that all the separate types of nuclear weapons are coming to their expiry and we know that they are thinking about testing their nuclear weapons, including the fact that in the US they are developing new types of nuclear weapons. Companies and entrepreneurs are helping. Guarantees of security and stability of the country. It also does not cancel the right of nations to self-determination enshrined in Article one of the UN Charter. Id like to add a very important point. We needed years and years to break this, and we needed massive state investment. And they were also publicly talking about supply of nuclear weapons. With a collective statement, NATO has actually attempted to become a member of this agreement, of strategic weapons control. They continued shelling, terror in relation to citizens. Every family, I emphasize, every family of a fallen soldier and every veteran of the action has to have a personal contact in this fund who will, in real time, deal with current issues. But we will never be similar to Western regimes and to Kyiv regime who are used to witch hunting. The Russian agriculture sector harvested a record crop of 150 million ton of wheat. And as if nothing had happened, and they even told us how much money they spent on it. The whole world knows that the top officials in these countries are being spied on and that their offices and homes are bugged. And the 1980s crisis things came to a head in the 1980s again the West emerged from it unscathed largely by appropriating the inheritance and resources of the collapsed and defunct Soviet Union. It sounds like nonsense. Romnia unde e? For example, the level supply and readiness of our nuclear military forces is in the region of 91%. However, all the powers, all the forces in society have to rely on some very basic principles, safety, security, and national interests of our people. They called us friends and partners, but they treated us like a colony, using various schemes to pump trillions of dollars out of the country. I would like to point out that this money will be aimed at smaller cities and towns. Russia is aware of its responsibility to the international community and will make every effort to ensure that cooler heads prevail. New scientific breakthroughs, also win, and all of that are contributions to our common success. Following battlefield setbacks over recent weeks, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered on Wednesday a national address about the ongoing war in Ukraine. Bloomberg View columnist Barry Ritholtz looks at the people and ideas that shape markets, investing and business. They increased in their size and we see that the housing, for example, increased. MOSCOW, Sept 30 (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin on Friday presided over a ceremony at the Kremlin to annex four Ukrainian regions partly occupied by his forces. And in December 2021, we officially directed to the U.S. and to Europe our request for guarantees for security. Theyre used to this idea that they could do anything, that it turns out that they are treating their own people in this way. The battlefield to which destiny and history have called us is a battlefield for our people, for the great historical Russia. (01:18:25) This goes for Europe and for the identities of France, Italy, Spain and other countries with centuries-long histories. We will continue developing the ports of the Black Sea and Azov Sea. They are exporting grain from Ukraine now. Convert your audio or video into 99% accurate text by a professional. We will definitely rebuild the destroyed cities and towns, the residential buildings, schools, hospitals, theatres and museums. And what was it doing. But Putin is trying to govern russia in a democratic way. I would like to respect the memory of all fighters who died in military action and all civilians who died in this military action. The United States is the only country in the world that has used nuclear weapons twice, destroying the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. Lets remember it. (31:11) It was them who wanted to review the results of the Second World War. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Behind the choice of millions of residents in the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples republics, in the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, is our common destiny and thousand-year history. In actual fact, we are moving to a new cycle of economic development and according to our expert assessment, we are moving to a new quality of development. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: By their fruits ye shall know them. These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself. Washington demands more and more sanctions against Russia and the majority of European politicians obediently go along with it. We remember. Among volunteers who are on the frontline, there are members of State Duma and regional parliaments, representatives of various power levels, representatives of municipalities, all parliamentary parties, all of them participating in creating the support for the frontline. As you know, referendums have been held in the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples republics and the Zaporozhye and Kherson regions. Profits from World War II helped the United States finally overcome the Great Depression and become the largest economy in the world, and to impose on the planet the power of the dollar as a global reserve currency. (01:10:41) People often use the generator to customize established memes , We will launch industrial mortgages. And this will ensure not just additional cargo flows, but also will help us develop Siberian far east. These entrepreneurs, these business people are plentiful. These are specific figures which we put in place and we will work on launching those. Together we will make sure that citizens in the new regions can feel the support of all the people of Russia, of the entire nation, all the republics, territories and regions of our vast Motherland. And after that, are they thinking that theyre going to just tour our facilities, military facilities? Listen, this is just a lot of nonsense, utter deceit, double standards, or even triple standards! The results of the Second World War, as well as the sacrifices made by our people on the altar of the victory of Nazism are sacred, but this does not contradict the high values of human rights and freedoms based on the realities that have developed during all post-war decades. The preservation of this annuity is their main, real and absolutely self-serving motivation. Its goal is to protect people who have been abused by the genocide of the Kyiv regime for eight years. And so we will continue working with our partners with the objective to creating a stable currency environment. The Speech In Which Putin Told Us Who He Was. I made a decision to conduct a special military operation. One of the issues that we discussed was housing, and we already have housing certificates for young scientists and we are allocating 1 billion rubles for these purposes. If he would again read the memoirs and statements of Soviet Marshal Georgy Zhukov, Khrushchev, & Stalin. We know what needs to be done for a sustained development of Russia, despite any external pressure and threat. Vladimir Putin: Full Text of February 21, 2022 Speech By Jim W. Dean and Gordon Duff - February 22, 2022 1 19783 Start of translation: Dear citizens of Russia! I would like to emphasize that it was before the special military operation they were negotiating the supply of heavy military equipment and planes and anti-aircraft defense systems. What does that mean to us? Not just to open factories, but also change life around you in cities and towns. And this repulsive lie and their behavior, two-face behavior was seen in Yugoslavia, in Iraq, Syria, and they will not be able to wash away that shame ever of centuries of colonialism and dictatorship. The current neocolonial model is ultimately doomed; this much is obvious.
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