The electric blue color that flashes in the aura of Archangel Michael and the devotees of the will of God denotes the presence of purity and power and the alignment of the inner blueprint with the cosmic blueprint of the will of God. Once your problem has been dissolved by the violet flame, you can begin closing your meditation session. Imagine the memory being saturated with the violet flame until the form disappears. Call to Archangel Michael for your spiritual protection before you give the Violet Flame decrees. It is up to us to forgive, let go, but most and foremost to forgive ourselves before we can forgive others.. If you still have fear you need to do the violet flame a lot! The ascended master called Saint Germain had released his teachings about the power of violet energy. Then Kuthumi gives us his supreme advice: To see others clearly, beloved hearts, remember that man must first perceive in himself the beautiful crystal of cosmic purity. email: The Violet Flame Is the Flame of Forgiveness and Mercy. The Healing Power of the Color Violet You can work on relationships with your friends and loved ones. I went and it has helped. It can take as little as six months of concentrated violet-flame decrees to balance the karma of one past life. I also have heart palpitations. Was the man in human form or a vision? I am still facing heavy health issues. I often joke around with some of our students that hanging around us for spiritual guidance is usually notoriously disruptive, kind of like being next to a harsh fire. Thanks so much! Why, with the violet flame in hand and heart as floral offering and as alchemist's kit, you never know what is just beyond the next turn in the road or the next wind in the mountain! I will be on the look out for Tampa Bay people for you! This is a beautiful way to connect with healing on all levels, dimensions and aspects to fully transmute anything thats making us unwell. Do yes I had some stress but I personally thought I was relaxed. Be a Violet Flame Transmission Station. Then I thought maybe this is an actual medical problem. You were never created by God with Fear only Love! You have the capacity to draw enormous quantities of energy from your I AM Presence to stabilize conditions that might, for instance, be burdening others within your household. This is where violet flame healing can help. Since frequency is directly proportional to energy, the violet light also has the most energy! Jesus asked us to pray, Thy Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven. Things have improved. Watch as this small spark gently grows and spreads over the white flames, slowly transforming the white light into a dazzling sun of violet flames. I was doing decrees all of them and visualization of balancing my chakras. We are usually aware when we are in the presence of someone who is holy, and often we have a warning when we are in the presence of someone who is dangerous. While youre visualizing your violet flame and repeating your decree, hold your hands up in front of you with your palms facing outwards as if the problem were in front of you. Visualize at the center of your being, a sphere radiating flames of white light. help me! All you need is a peaceful and quiet place to say some prayers to invoke the light. All the best! Something felt wrong about it. This tingeing of the purple flame with the gold denotes the mastery of the light of peace within the solar plexus and is an indication that the individual is active in service to life. This is indeed a great gift that is given to us by Saint Germain. As you use the Violet Flame which is the Cosmic Purifying Detergent it is purifying all discordant energy in your feeling side of life that you have locked into the very cells of your physical body and your KARMA. My I AM Presence is moving my pendulum as someone said she saw white light go into my Crown when I asked a question. Not only does the violet flame dissolve your own karma, but it can also dissolve group or planetary karma that comes from such things as wars or accumulated injustices. But they are a command for the will of God to be manifest. "If we will visualize ourselves standing in this sphere of violet light and feel that violet flame passing through all of our consciousnessour mind, our feelings, our emotionsthis . We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land, the Whadjuk people of Noongar Boodjar. Weird. Namaste. My pendulum is saying this person was St. Germain! I think its just encouragement that you are doing it right and on the right track. Went to Chiropractors, Osteopath, doctors.many was awful . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Natural Violet Flame Opal, Mexico 925 Sterling Silver Earring Jewelry BE129656 at the best online prices at eBay! MOTHER and decrees have put me on the right path. Like Lord Ganesh removes the obstacles in our way to perfection! with love, Paula. NT$ 756 - NT$ 1,017. Many refer to this energy as negative karma. Well, there is a spiritual science to transmuting that energy. Check and follow our social media accounts to get updated with our recent posts. From child to death we are all being imprinted by others and our environment as to what we belief. I am looking forward to see the power of the violet flame over the next coming months and years not just in me but my familty and world. Sometimes I hear loud buzzing noises and feel indescribable intense fear. It's best to decree in a place dedicated to spiritual work, such as a chapel or a well-lit, clean and aired room. It diverts negative elements into opportunities and changes our perspective. Not sure what it means or how yo use I was just meditating and it found me? If the records are painfuland they usually are because your soul is crying out for resolutionyou may feel sadness or regret. I am sure I will in the future be working with St. Germain in some way and possibly writing a book together as I have an incredible spiritual journey to tell. The Violet Flame is here to assist the energetic transition of Gaia and humanity into the fifth dimension of consciousness and higher. On your altar you can put candles, crystals, flowers and photographs of saints, Ascended Masters and your loved ones. The elementals are the nature spirits of fire, air, water and earth who are responsible for taking care of our planet. May your journey with the Ascended Masters be an adventure as life was meant to be! Hi, I had a dream that I think involved this flame and wanted to know what you thought of it because I have not been able to stop thinking about it. Also I want to say that I am starting to experience peace and a steady increase of happiness since I started my journey of learning about the I am and the Violet Flame. This new song is one of a new vibration and spiritual energy the world has not seen for a long time. All those fear based thoughts that you had are coming from your subconscious and beliefs about life that you have stored. You'll find that if you decree first thing in the morning, your day will go much smoother. I had just lost my job due to injury. Our vibration is raised and propels us into a more spiritual state of being. Violet light in the aura, then, denotes that the soul is free to commune with God. I am so afraid of meditating and not being completely present and aware, allowing my mind to be open and vulnerable to this. Right now I am experience a lot of pain in my ribcage and my pendulum says it is not physical but spiritual and it started with Christies course and has gotten worse. Thank you for reading this, Peace to all of you!! the gift of spiritual alchemy from Saint Germain. The 20th century and our own, is the doorway between different spiritual ages. The Violet Flame is a miraculous spiritual energy. A Chohan or the Lord of Ray, is an ascended master in charge of one of the seven spiritual rays. Color has been known for centuries as a powerful tool to prepare our states of mind, change our moods, emotions, and feelings. The only true power anyone has is the spiritual power from their divine source. Now, Saint Germain reveals, As your soul travels out of the body at night to the etheric retreats for study, you are shown the filigree thread of light that emits from a heart chakra filled with mercys love. I was enjoying my morning decrees. I came to the conclusion it might be TMJ as it can have a host of symptoms. I took Christie Sheldons INtuitive Course and can clear peoples subconscious imprints that are still affecting them today and during the course cleared a lot of my own remaining baggage. It is a sacred fire with transformative spiritual energy that can help us move through many obstacles and challenges. Did he just disappeared? I Am a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires. Then my head started to feel funny, like I had a hat on.but I didnt. The Violet Planet Main article: Violet Planet The evolutions of the Violet Planet have served the violet flame for aeons and use the violet flame to tend to all the needs of daily lifeto clean their homes, to care for and purify the planet, and even to wash and bathe in. It is essential that we identify the emotional issues associated with our ill health. The person who was talking to me I dont remember exactly what I felt about that person. Every time you think of it, you are reinforcing this image. So by removing calcified emotional debris and other substances, the violet flame may allow our bodies to reconnect with their natural healing mechanism. Then let go of the memory and let a bright white sun replace it in your mind's eye. It casts out all our doubts and fears and helps us feel and think more positively. We have also correlated these seven rays with the seven chakras. Bathe the earth in violet fire. I hope to explore these ethereal retreats in the coming months. I love you :-). The root cause of all diseases comes from you and how you lived your life in this life and a past life and the beliefs, stories, and narratives you live your life that are not Spiritual Truths but rather duality falsehoods of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. It can be very helpful during those moments when we feel weak, low on energy, fatigued, anxious, fearful etc. Fear is an appearance you are making real with your thoughts, emotions, attitudes, beliefs, and attention. The flames rise and pulsate around you in different shades of purple, pink and violet. Hello to everyone, I would like to share an experience I had a few years ago and hear your opinions. Now that your physical energy and conscious awareness are centered, you will begin transforming this white light into a violet flame. Did he have a glow about him? Archangel Michael has personally saved my life a dozen times that I know of and probably thousands of times that I am not aware of. CDs, you will hear the correct way to increase your speed. The violet flame neither takes away our problems nor removes all the negativity surrounding us. When you are conscious of your energy field and you zealously guard it as the habitation of God, then you are able to retain your reservoir of light and not constantly be like a cork bobbing upon the sea. The increase in speed should not be artificial. . )the negative energy attacks are now less severe. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you! Dizziness, thought it was an awakening. just started and my energy is better, my openess towards the heavens is better, my dreams are different. Your email address will not be published. Violet Flame Meditation: 5 Steps To Harnessing Positive Energy, Violet Flame: Alchemy for Personal Change, Saint Germain: Mystery of the Violet Flame, Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul (Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality), The Violet Flame All In One Handbook: Real time modern applications & Violet Flame Decrees (SSD). He explains that the interference with the aura in its natural, pure state by the mortal consciousness and by the misqualification of light creates negative colorations. I focus on a picture of MOTHER while doing my daily decrees. Violet flame decrees are an all-consuming spiritual fire. Give all your attention and affection to your Beloved I AM Presence and Your Three fold Flame in your Heart! Then my head started to feel funny, like I had a hat on.but I didnt. I did not bother to get it checked out as I have notice a lot of aches that come and then disappear. My Guru Yogananda said that if we have dreams that makes us feel negative emotions then it is not coming from the Divine as the Divine would only come in the energy of Love! Wow.what a gift..the Ascended Masters will get out attention one way or another! Since I didnt understand my power I looked at the window again. We came from the Light and Light is energy not physical manifestation and to be whole we need to return to our true state of being Light and Love! A few of the classic books by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on the Violet Flame, Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul and Prophesy for a New Millennium, are available for free on this site to help you accelerate your spiritual path. It helps us realize we have the power to change the way we see things. We are also impacting the world by who we are and what we believe, what we are choosing to be, or not to be. Ever walk into a room where people are, The Wonderman of Europe Father of World Freedom and the Aquarian Age The idea of the Spiritual Brotherhood, The Call Compels the Answer! I am 84 yrs old & caring my partner 91 yrs old with multiple medical problem eg cancer etc. On contact with the violet flame, this dense substance is cleansed, purified, and restored to its native purity. help me! As the Archangel of the first ray, Archangel Michael embodies the qualities of faith, protection, perfection and the will of God. It does not remove the surrounding negative energy but transforms it into light. The Violet Flame is a very high frequency of spiritual fire, which holds the power of transmutation. The Violet Flame is a form of Spiritual Fire (invisible spiritual energy) that is unbelievably powerful for transmuting lower energies, bringing healing and accelerating spiritual growth and development. I visualized white, clean energy filling my body and then I pushed it out. I thought it was an awakening. The violet flame is the seventh-ray of the fire of God, and. I get better sleep too. Healing is a personal journey of self-discovery and there are many ways of healing our broken heart. The violet flame, or light, is the color of freedom and has the quality of mercy. I cant say I notice a difference because I am already highly vibrating because of the Kriya Yoga which is a powerful prana yama technique and another technique to listen to the Om sound within which I hear from that technique all the time now. This is a powerful tool that works in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual lives. Every human being uses energy and substance waking and sleeping. The burden alone that the elementals have carried for the lifestreams upon the planet is great. I am so very happy for you! He is a master alchemist of the sacred fire who comes bearing the gift of the violet flame of freedom for world transmutation. Copyright 2022 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. So you still have blockages there and they are emotionally and spiritually based and the Chiropractor is not the doctor to clear those items only your Beloved I AM Presence and you! We live in the crucial interval for Lightbearers to claim their rightful spiritual destiny, make up for lost opportunity with the violet flame, and help the world ring with freedom. Try different words, always starting with I AM the Violet Flame to create your own decrees and find whichever provides you the most healing. You may seek to revitalize a personal relationship or direct the light to a physical condition or places that need healing. Both mentioned the violet flame. Sometimes it will be energy, feeling of peace or love entering us, or sound, or wisdom or inspiration, etc. Did you feel positive energy from this person in the dream? Copyright 2023 Summit Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. In a sudden emergency, such as a fire or a calamity within the household, the quietness of the aura would be disturbed. It gives us peace of mind when theres anxiety. Realizing that her bloodbending would die along with her without a worthy successor, Hama decided to a have child with one of the villagers. We can work with this violet light to turn ourselves and this world around. with no assistance. We can enter into deep meditation upon it and let its presence enter our surroundings. Hi Melanie, congratulations on finding this path and your way home. As you practice directing the violet flame to help others, you can begin to think of your aura as a violet-flame fountain where all whom you meet can come and drink. I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. Endow each word with intense love for God. I did do one ethereal retreat exercise and did see Michael come to my third eye and later could see ethereal trees on incline as if I was going up a hill at Banff! Particularly His/Her Heart! The muddying of the pure colors of the aura occurs whenever there is a mingling of the emanations of imperfect thoughts and feelings with the pure colors released through the prism of the Christ. Call for spiritual protection first before starting the meditation. In fact, simply repeating a violet-flame mantra anytime you feel tense, tired or irritated can make the difference. Access the Free Lessons of Your Choice Now Color is a manifestation of frequency, and frequency is a manifestation of consciousness, or one's state of consciousness. We value a raw, real, and down-to-earth approach to spirituality. Just as color reflects consciousness, so color amplifies consciousness. It is the energy of transmutation. In it we lovingly ask the violet-flame beingsascended masters and angelsfor help and guidance. Thank you for response. When we look at the bright side of situations, we release all the stress caused by the things we cannot control. As described in Exodus 3:2 KJV in the story of Moses and the burning bush: And the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed., This fire does not burn, its no ordinary fire, it is a spiritual fire of self-transformation that some people refer to as the the violet flame.. I do a clearing intuition energy rebalancing modality and I checked to see how balance your throat chakra is and its a 1 out of 10. I hope you have downloaded the E Books that also offer so much This is mainly because of some very scary experiences Ive had when I am completely relaxed about to fall asleep, and a couple of creepy out of body experiences Ive had. Also called the Flame of Transmutation, the Flame of Mercy, the Flame of Freedom,and the Flame of Forgiveness,the violet flame is a sacred fire that transforms and purifies negative karma or blockages. Each color has its distinctive divine qualities. Brilliantly done! Anger indicates that youve become your story.fear indicates that you are living in the future. Much like our spiritual paths, fire can be dangerous, but also an agent of change and rebirth in a new form. Some experienced the secret flame itself, and some knew of it as the power of Gods mercy to change hearts and the world around them. Thank you Master Saint Germain for giving me opportunity to serve!! The Violet Flame was released as a standard CD, a deluxe 2-CD, a digital download, a double album in a gatefold sleeve (featuring The Violet Flame on violet vinyl on one disc and six remixes on white vinyl on the other, via PledgeMusic with more than 500 pre-orders), and a limited edition 3-CD box set which includes the original album as well . Thank you Catherine and you are helping everyone worldwide as well! Fire has been a source of light, heat, and protection since the beginning of our time. I dont know what my throat Chakra would want me to say as Im quite vocallol Great question. Be Empowered. I remember thinking Okay, this is actually real, but what is my power?. The violet flame is also been used to protect our house and pets against the negative energies, and the results are fabulous. We welcome you to try the decrees and meditations on our Violet Flame Resources page. At this very moment, I am holding Gaia in . He used to heal and help the poor and the suffering peasants. I was enjoying my morning decrees. It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. Saints and adepts have long known how to use the violet flame. Most people don't see the violet flame in action with their physical eyes. You can add the violet flame to your daily prayers or meditations, whatever they are. Great meditation! With the Kriya Yoga I feel energy pulsating all the time at Crown and Third Eye, occasion energies in my throat chakra and root but nothing in my heart. Although not everyone is capable of reading the aura directly, at subconscious levels within the soul and at the level of the Christ mind we all have perceptions of one another, and we register these perceptions. Read More. Dont Take it on Faith Listen to the Scientists: For the scientific minded, here is the greatest explanation of why the violet flame works In our physical world, the violet light is the shortest wave length of light and therefore, the highest frequency in the physical spectrum. Now the book may have a 4th part with the violet flame! I think it would help you to read the initial books in which the teachings on the violet transmuting flame and also on each ones individual divine presence were first introduced to seekers. God is giving us lots of amazing tools now to help us realize our true selves our beautiful, loving, peaceful and blissful souls! Thats it! My pendulum does say that I have no Karma now and that Yogananda has taking it all away. If the intention you set in step one is not a personal one, but a social or global one, bring the image of the external problem into your violet flame. As you give the violet flame, pictures of past lives may come before your mind. Just today 11:11, 1:11, 2:22.kind as crazy. So as we increase our frequency to these higher octaves it draws to us the negative force in creation till we become completely and permanently our true selves again and perfect and in control of all atomic energy then we wont need the protection but will be giving out the protection to others like St. Germain, Ascended Masters and Angels! The Violet Flame is a powerful means of bringing that heaven world closer to earth. Start repeating the same mantra you used to enter the meditation to close your meditation (in my case its OM MANI PADME HUM.). You can master the flow of energy in your aura by maintaining a calm state of equilibrium in the midst of whatever happens within your environment, all the while maintaining contact with your source, the I AM Presence. I personally think the healing was a gift and based on the transmutation of the injury and its effects. The Violet Flame is a magnificent healing tool. Apologies for late response! I went to see my dentist who is very Holistic. During his first revelations about the Violet Flame, Saint Germain has said The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet. (The Voice of the I AM January 1941 p. 20). Your prayer to Archangel Michael can be as simple as Archangel Michael, Help me! Although this is the road less travelled, we are so blessed to have answered the call! Violet Flame not only cleanses you, however, it also helps accelerate or enhance one's spiritual development also. He was a French philosopher, inventor, courtier, pianist, violinist, and poet. Then there is the pink fire of divine love that comes forth through the heart chakra. I thank you and I accept it done this hour in full power, according to the will of God. This secret wisdom was not given to the public for many long ages. The Violet Flame is one of the causes behind the science of miracles, a universal solvent of heavenly alchemy, and a special spiritual solution for our time. He too said that Kriya Yoga and violet flame are miraculous methods for realizing the Higher Self. It refers to the full union of a human being with his Mighty I AM Presence.. This is the Violet Flame-a spiritual light that actually transmutes and consumes negative energy. Here is a preamble that you can use and add to: In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, and my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, I call to beloved Saint Germain and the angels of the seventh ray. Sorry for long response . There is great power in giving a decree slowly. I AM the purity God desires!. Our energy choices come back to us bringing more of the same into our lives. Prior Chapter: Creativity|Next Chapter: Your Aura as a Giant Beacon. I just read this from another Violet Flame source: One day Science will have the proof that all disease has sour emotions at its roots. Violet flame is an absolut must do for each an everyone. Be Connected. You should continue your writing. When it is not misqualified by the human sense of possessiveness, attachment or inordinate desire, it produces within the aura a billowing cloud of pink energy, denoting that the individual is infused with an awareness of God as love.
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