With appearances from other Achievement Hunter members and various Rooster Teeth employees, the live stream raised $340,000. Please send her all the love", "Our family just got a little bit bigger! After dropping out of college, he at first worked as a bar server at a New York bar. Geoff can't even remember how it came to that, but it's now a routine to call the Puerto Rican before anything requiring a . That, or he hit Gavin. Ray learns they have a few Xboxes in the safehouse and basically steals one, using it every time he stays over. All of Los Santos already knows, Michael brushes him off. You can find my channel at twitch.tv/Ray. Weekly Let's Play videos focusing on Grand Theft Auto games are also released. If this was a case of a printing error, hopefully The Pokemon Company can make sure that it doesn't happen to anyone else in the future! In The Internet Box Podcast and Achievement Hunter videos, Ray often joked about being poor and Hispanic at the time he joined AH/RT. Sorry. Ray becomes their usual companion for heists. Jones serves as the main host of the show and makes the most frequent appearances alongside other Achievement Hunter employees and special guests, including Patricia Sommerset, Arin Hanson, Chef Mike Haracz and Samm Levine. ", "Hey can I be Jamaica? Online, everywhere. He is good friends withMichael Jonesand is married to fellow streamer Tina Dayton. What are you gonna do? He initially got his start by making achievement guides on YouTube. Lexa gets a sudden surprise with blonde hair and blue eyes. And if someone had told Ray he would end up practically reliving his prior years, from dancing in kick ass storms to taking care of drug addicts, he would have sighed. As of Minecraft 151, Ray is no longer a part of Achievement Hunter, and his last week began with Cake Walk. Maybe it was because it was less than a block away from the front door of her new building. Carmilla HSAU, or the one with GSA co-captains LaFontaine and Perry, puppy quarterback Kirsch, track team captain Danny, broody teenager Carmilla and Laura who is about to find out she is not as heterosexual as she thought. Not different versions of the Bug-type, but the exact same card, all in a row! Geoff swears hell get to the bottom of this. I will write any ship you have (For example Come along on X-Ray's and Vav's adventures as they roam the streets of Austin, Texas. ", "I'd like to thank my mom, for being very supportive by calling my teddy bear'gay'. 'Cause when I win, I lose. Ray Narvaez Jr, RTX 2014.png. You got Exodia, Scott Pilgrim, Tuxedo Mask, and Applejack. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Ray: "Puerto Ricans! ?anyway, i'd like to point you to my blog where you can leave any suggestions and/or prompts-- here! He tries forcing himself between the two and even though they either dont notice or dont care, its painfully obvious to everyone else. Lexa has always loved Clarke. Youre such an idiot, Geoff sighs, shaking his head. Once the shock wore off, Narvaez seemed to have a good sense of humor about the situation, joking on Twitter "guess im a bug trainer now." A modern (AU) friends to lovers slow burn story spanning decades and covering a spectrum of emotions. [12] In mid-2015, Achievement Hunter launched a new YouTube channel, named after themselves, where they upload series of videos that were previously uploaded to the Rooster Teeth channel. There is alcohol and a backseat. left kudos on this work! At a GameStop branch in New York, he realized he hated his job and his manager kept cutting his hours so he was earning little to no pay. He has no idea where Ray could've learned to use a sniper rifle like that, and the boy sure as hell isn't inclined to just tell him. [30], In February 2017, Ramsey announced his sabbatical from the company. He received over $20,000 on his first day of full-time Twitch streaming. [7][8] Let's Play Grand Theft Auto is typically released on Mondays and Let's Play Minecraft on Fridays. Two years later, Ryan barely makes rent for a shitty, run-down apartment until one day he hears a scuffle in the apartment above his and finds himself facing down a serial killer. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Gavin Free/Ryan Haywood/Michael Jones/Ray Narvaez Jr./Jack Pattillo/Geoff Ramsey. 22h NEW GIVEAWAY!!! Ray is also known to excel in video games; he has a gamerscore of 1,800,000+, higher than that of anyone else working at Rooster Teeth. In early 2015, Achievement Hunter hosted the first Let's Play Live at the Moody Theater in Austin, Texas. As a full-time streamer, he streams every day except for Monday's and Thursday. Geoff learns quickly just how much Ray cares for his video games. It was also common for him to poke fun at his own supposed abstinence from drugs and alcohol.In November 2013, Ray starting streaming on twitch.TV as a hobby. guess im a bug trainer now :) pic.twitter.com/I4dssdPiTP. Soon the girl falls in love with her desk. Oh. Michael swallows and looks at the apron bundled in Jacks lap. Ray's primary job at Rooster Teeth was to make achievement guide videos, and star in Let's Plays with the Achievement Hunter crew. (Let's Play Madden '13 Super Bowl Edition), "Hispanic at the disco." Five Weedle cards in total, to be precise. He frequently responded to the mention of a song, movie, or person with something completely unrelated, such as responding to a Michael Jackson song with "I love the Baha Men". (Let's Play WWE 2K14), "Geoff finished the board so he could watch us peasants play." His job working as a truck driver assistant at UPS was basically consisting of sitting in the passenger seat of the truck and give destination directions to the truck driver as well as delivering and carrying cargo/freight boxes and packages to the doorsteps across the neighborhood. 130 guests [27] In addition, a First Member only show known as Theater Mode was created, and includes hosts like Jones, Ramsey, and Pattillo, as well as others, watching horrible movies and commenting on them. Send a message to me or leave a comment on who you think I should write one shots about! Ray has an open invite to come back for achievement hunter as a guest. [26] In April 2016, Achievement Hunter launched two new shows. Now he's a ghost, and with help from Michael, a spitfire young Medium who's now the only living person who can see Ryan, he's determined to put together the pieces of the mystery so that he can finally find peace and see Ray again.A series of out-of-order short pieces and drabbles set in mine and Davie's Murdered: Soul Suspect AU, because linear storytelling is for nerds. He flew from JFK airport to Austin-Bergstrom International Airport in Austin, Texas on April 26, 2012 following his employment. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Achievement Hunter is an American video gaming division of Rooster Teeth Productions. Having been creating, hosting, filming, and starring in online media gaming content for over a decade (since 2008), he is a former Rooster Teeth employee and former Achievement Hunter host in the Achievement Hunter division from April 6th, 2012 for three full years of employment until April 17th, 2015 when he quit his job in favor of full time streaming on Twitch. But not anymor Sarah has known Michael since seventh grade. [44], In 2017, four Let's Play Live! Since its founding, Achievement Hunter has grown to become a core component of Rooster Teeth, hosting a wide variety of videos related to video games. [10] At RTX in July 2014, community members Matt Bragg and Jeremy Dooley were hired as editors and secondary hosts at Achievement Hunter.[11]. I already ate. The Puerto Rican takes off the apron and shoves it into Jacks hands as he leaves the kitchen. Please consider turning it on! Instead are slowly convinced to come on their own accord. And when I lose, I lose. Rooster Teeth at PAX Prime 2014 (14976516589).jpg 4,272 2,848; 6 MB. David Dreger also assisted in the founding of the site. - stream 123 ray narvaez jr playlists including achievement hunter, fake ah crew, and ryan haywood music from your desktop or mobile device. Their first event was held on February 20, 2015, at the Moody Theater in Austin, Texas. In April, Achievement Hunter went on tour on the east coast to perform Let's Play Live! Ray becomes their usual companion for heists. (Let's Play The Ship Part 1), "I have two watches on 'cause its always time to diddle." consulting_pie_in_the_tardis, NightOwlReader, TemporalRift, Ms_Ellie, dialyce, EnderQueen, nutmegshep, TheFrozenQueen, CaissyMax, Megan_Leigh_4601, Volmorta, KittyAttack, JustAnOkayWriter, horsegirl_fangirl, technofarmer, Galaxygirl987, ILoveNaruto, Magada, AWeeBitRustyEh, Danasour_and_Philianlion, EchoedMusic, vampirepixie, ghostlygeometry, Cursing_Vermin, PwincessSapphire, RunawayCaboose, FahcLove, XavierWalker, missingnowrites, fixatro, multifandomhomo, StellaDoesReading, Niclci, graveExcitement, Kaykat, Ljos, SassyJohnWatson, TinyBitBroken, grumpyroosters, Silverbrook123, TheMadKingOfPlants, katblank, ScopertoRoses, emchant3d, esooM, PeanutButterAndIceCream, SpecialOfficerLemons, TheMaddiePistol, TheNumberOnePun, NakodileMonster, and 28 more users Eventually, Ray moved to Austin, Texas to work full time at Rooster Teeth Productions. He initially got his start by making achievement guides on YouTube in September 2009. When Clarke Griffin forgets to complete her sophomore year residency application, she returns to college to find that theyve paired her with the last roommate she ever expected to get. The first heist Ray Narvaez Jr and Ryan Haywood.jpg. So you know were actually together, right? Gavin asks, no tact or anything. 24.8K. But 5 other people ruin their friendship. 3. He frequently responded to the mention of a song, movie, or person with something completely unrelated, such as responding to a Michael Jackson song with "I love the Baha Men". Before he quit, he had a gamer-score of about 450,000.Ray's primary job working at Rooster Teeth Productions and Achievement Hunter was to star in Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter videos, such as star in Lets Play videos and VS with the rest of the five guys and record for the internet box podcast which ended in 2014. When Gavins taunting crosses the line of irritating to downright annoying, he forces Gavin to try and beat Ray himself. [1][2], He has stated he will make guest appearances in Achievement Hunter videos as well as continue his voice role in X-Ray and Vav, until the series ended. The Rooster Teeth Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Now's my time to strike! On May 23, 2014, there was another visitor through Make-A-Wish, a boy named Jacob. Co-written by anothershotofbourbon and rated M for obvious reasons. File:Ray Narvaez Jr and Ryan Haywood.jpg; Metadata. Geoff scowls, thinking back, but for the life of him, he cant remember. Twitch 's Ray Narvaez Jr. recently opened a Chilling Reign pack on stream, eager to showcase its contents. Will they be able to fulfill all requirements to receive it? Inspired by all the amazing Clexa pick up lines on tumblr. He stops making fun of Geoff after that. In 2008, Geoff Ramsey's interest in gaming achievements resulted in the realization that no community-based website related to achievements existed. If someone had told Gavin he would end up lying in a hospital bed, his two best friends curled up beside him, he probably would have laughed. At least, not until the girl from the food court starts giving her free food and drinks. "I'm pretty sure Stephen Hawking could kick further." He challenges Ray to a match of Halo. Ray's gamerscore nearly makes him spill his drink onto himself when he reads it. Ray Narvaez Jr.. Twitch Streamer & Co-Owner of FrameRate Merch VODs & Highlights on YouTube .jpg. : Ray Narvaez Jr and Ryan Haywood.jpg Licensing This image, originally posted to Flickr , was reviewed on 10 December 2015 by the administrator or reviewer Materialscientist , who confirmed that it was available on Flickr under the stated license on that date. In The Internet Box Podcast and Achievement Hunter videos, Ray often joked about being poor and Hispanic at the time he joined AH/RT. King of comedy." (From the RTExtraLife Live Stream) "I'm pretty sure Stephen Hawking could kick further." (Let's Play Madden '13 Super Bowl Edition) "Hispanic at the disco." (Let's Play The Ship Part 1) "I have two watches on 'cause its always time to diddle." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQ2T25JGrR8. The redhead shrugs nonchalantly. Welcome @theloejeez and @BlackKrystel to the Achievement Hunter Family!!! While his explanation makes sense, and he has promised to retain his role in X-Ray & Vav and show up in Achievement Hunter videos from time to time, it's still tearjerking to see such a core member of the group leaving. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Co-Owner of FrameRateMerch.com | @TinaNarvaezJr is Rad | #RAYD | Business E-Mail: NarvaezBusiness@gmail.com There was just something about it that, to Lexa, felt poetically beautiful. [4][5], In 2011, Achievement Hunter hired Ryan Haywood as an editor and manager; Haywood later began being featured in videos as a host in March 2012, becoming one of the main crew members. And just shrugged, because it figures he'd be the one stuck taking care of his idiot friends. Achievement Hunter hired Gavin Free in 2012, after he had assisted with the company for many years. Michael is often the one who goes out with him, a duffel bag filled to the brim with bombs of all shapes and sizes slung over a shoulder. We start the story in middle school, following Korra and Asami through high school and college shenanigans, and finally settle in their post-college era, with all their friends (and a couple OCs) involved. Rooster Teeth panel at PAX Prime 2013 (9669012406).jpg. Do you know how much time you spend with him? Geoff offers him the extra beer he grabbed from the fridge. Ray has won the Tower of Pimps the most times, survived more rounds in Black Ops: Zombies, has the longest Versus winning streak, and has the highest gamer-score out of all the Achievement Hunters. Gavin, a Straight-A student with a notorious habit of getting himself expelled from every school he goes to. He streams everyday except Monday & Thursday. He could live without the constant scorn from the others, though. [33], As part of Rooster Teeth's Pilot Month, a test episode of a new ghost hunting show called Achievement Haunter premiered on May 17, 2018. Have you ever gotten a pack of Pokemon cards this bad? In The Internet Box Podcast and Achievement Hunter videos, Ray often joked about being poor and Hispanic. His father, David W. Free, is Welsh. An ace XBox gamer for almost his entire life, Ray Narvaez Jr (born on September 15th, 1989 in Manhattan, New York) aka BrownMan (because of his nickname in middle school) and X-Ray (because of his animated superhero counterpart in the Rooster Teeth show X-Ray and Vav) is a Puerto-Rican American Internet and YouTube personality, web video . Before being officially hired, he was a community member, editor, content creator and recurring host on Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter videos. Resolve So I was asked by the lovely Holly7532 to write a fic for an idea she had and I have done just that so I hope you all enjoy it and Holly I hope I have done your idea jus Everything is normal in Achievement City.except its inhabitants. Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming! Here's how Ray "Motocop" "X-Ray" "The Puerto Rican Thunder" Narvaez got hired at Achievement Hunter and Rooster Teeth!SOURCES-----https://www.y. ", "Stop in the name of law, Geoff! Streamerpedia is a FANDOM Games Community. His parents were at first very disappointed so Ray had to go find work with a well-paying salary. Gavin turns to Michael, the perfect picture of bafflement written all over his face. ", (From Jeopardy and as a running gag afterwards), (From Let's Play Family Feud) To Gavin: "WOW NUMBER 7 WAY TO GO CHAMP!". All rights reserved. We can do more fun things than play video games in the bedroom, anyway.. By trickster88. His mother, desperate and out of options, sends him to Dntia Kkora, a wealthy school on the outskirts of Mrntor. He also got to answer the audience's questions, signed autographs, and had taken pictures for fans. He summed up the point in a statement; "When Rooster Teeth calls on its fans to support a cause, we can count on them to help us make a huge impact. Opening packs of Pokemon cards can be simultaneously exciting and stress-inducing, as players look to see what's inside. Some of these groups included the likes of Funhaus, ScrewAttack, Cow Chop, Kinda Funny, and Sugar Pine 7. G All in the title! His mother, desperate and out of options, sends him to Dntia Kkora, a wealthy school on the outskirts of Mrntor. Painting flowers ( Ray Narvaez jr) by Ryan 20.6K 363 33 A girl, 23 years of age moves from her house with her younger sister to a house with her uncle, his wife, her cousin and Gavin. Puerto Rican with a blade! Community member Ray Narvaez, Jr. was hired in April 2012, having worked as a contract host for multiple years. His longest job before working at Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter and next job after UPS was working at GameStop in New York. It sparks a little ember of jealousy inside of him, but he knows Michael loves him and the others and he knows him and Ray go far back. 6. He stated he will make guest appearances in Achievement Hunter videos as well as continue his voice role in X-Ray and Vav in the Rooster Teeth short anime. He starts stuffing his mouth with the pancakes immediately after he pours maple syrup all over them. Finally, in mid-April of 2015, Ray quit his position at Rooster Teeth as a whole (including Achievement Hunter) to pursue full-time streaming.On April 10, 2015, Ray announced his departure from Rooster Teeth and Achievement Hunter to pursue streaming on Twitch full-time. Twitch.tv/Ray. Ray resides in Austin, TX with his wife, Tina Dayton, and their dog, a Shiba-Inu named Charlie. Pancakes, Ray says, like its the most obvious thing in the world (it is). Ryans wall of faces, as he dubbed it its a wall in the living room that he reserved purely for cut-outs of their faces from the newspaper is getting a lot of new pictures lately. He is also a former GameStop employee and a former UPS employee. [2] Ramsey later elaborated, saying he had grown tired of making Red vs. Blue and enjoyed working on this new, creative outlet in his spare time. Getting used to the presence Ray Narvaez, Jr. (born September 15, 1989), aka "BrownMan" (Ray's nickname from school) or "X-Ray" (from his adventures with Vav), was a former contributor and main cast member of Achievement Hunter from April 6, 2012 until mid-April 2015. You told him?!. Ray also cares for his gun a lot. As a full-time streamer, he streams every day except for Monday's and Thursday. Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (21), Alternate Universe - College/University (6), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafs, if it were safer on the ground we wouldn't be on a boat (yeah, you should be loving someone), adding some tags because people keep stealing and reposting my fic, and my favs will find you and make sure you regret you were born, how long will i love you (and how long can you love me too), this is sad the only happy parts are in the beginning, you're in my veins (and i cannot get you out), minor Abby Griffin/Marcus Kane - Relationship, A lot of shenanigans and mispronouncing of movie references, In which almost everybody is a ghost or a medium, not technically psychoteeth even though there is a serial killer, More characters to be added as they appear - Freeform, Mentions of depression and mental instability. [46] Battany and his family had been gifted VIP passes to RTX 2015, meeting them at a VIP party and the next day played with members for an Assassins Creed: Syndicate mission. Due to this, he came to the decision to make a large selection of videos and try and be hired at Achievement Hunter (which was an overall success). For a year and a half he would film 'Lets Plays' during the day at Rooster Teeth and stream in the evenings or on weekends. 4. [32] This time around the kids were being trained by the main members to battle each other. His aunt. After the initial caution (which wasn't that big to begin with, since Michael said he knew him, but which is required in Geoff's field of work) wore off, he could fully appreciate Ray's skills. Unless you've got a time machine, that content is unavailable. Born in Manhattan and grew up in Fresh Meadows, Queens, New York. Gavin gets this new console and can't wait to try it out, little does he know, it'll change his life for the better. Dooley was promoted to a main host in October 2015, during an episode of Let's Play Minecraft. In December 2011, Achievement Hunter also began creating Let's Play videos. Community member Ray Narvaez, Jr. was hired in April 2012, having worked as a contract host for multiple years. He cleans it at least once a day and trains with it every other day. [35] The second season, titled Hardcore Tabletop: World Series, aired on April 10, 2019, and returned to Monopoly with Diaz as the winner of the previous season and competitors from the Let's Play family including actor Dante Basco. Every purchase you make puts money in an artist's pocket. She moves away when they finish high school and they grew apart. She is a friend of the Game Grumps and the wife of Ray Narvaez Jr. Tina was in the Grump Room while Ross and Ray were recording the first session of their Shantae and the Pirate's Curse play through. When Geoff asked if he wanted to join the crew, his answer was a simple, Sure. It threw everyone for a loop. He was a part of the Rooster Teeth interview on what it's like making Red vs Blue. This file contains additional information such as Exif metadata which may have been added by the digital camera, scanner, or software program used to create or digitize it. Ray Narvaez Jr. at PAX Prime 2014 (15163197745).jpg. From $1.68. "Was," until his perfect life came crashing down around him when Ray was caught in the crossfire of a deranged gunman on his way to lunch with him. . An ace XBox gamer for almost his entire life, Ray Narvaez Jr (born on September 15th, 1989 in Manhattan, New York) aka BrownMan (because of his nickname in middle school) and X-Ray (because of his animated superhero counterpart in the Rooster Teeth show X-Ray and Vav) is a Puerto-Rican American Internet and YouTube personality, web video star, an independently self-employed full-time Twitch.TV live streamer and YouTube star.
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