Meia Nouwens from the International Institute for Strategic Studies said Beijing was intent on achieving primacy in the waters that surround China. Principles matter, he writes. "At the time what I could see was the possibility that our intelligence had uncovered the spectre of WMD in Iraq. Australia is underperforming and leaving itself wide open as longstanding fears look set to come true. everything from electronics to furniture to shoes. "Unlike the Taliban, China has an air force. But which one would have military superiority in outright conflict? Supply chains of some critical goods and services need to be reconfigured to shift production to the United States or allied nations, and the United States must pursue a longer-term strategic drive to restore its dominance in global manufacturing. Modern warships carry only a limited number of weapons. Protests break out in Iran as more schoolgirls hospitalised after suspected poisoning. Part 2. Its artificial island fortresses are unsinkable outposts. Yet the war in Ukraine is relatively small-scale compared with the likely demands of a major war in the Indo-Pacific. The context for decision making would be vitally important weighing the potential costs to the country, domestically and internationally, against the value of that cost for maintaining the ANZUS relationship. The area around it would be highly contested and US war reserve stocks in the Pacific are earmarked for US forces that will assist Taiwan not for Taiwan itself. Its a problem long recognised by defence analysts and planners. The last time Chinese troops saw direct action was 1979 when China launched a costly month-long war against Vietnam to teach it a lesson in retaliation for Hanois actions in south-east Asia. And, if a shooting war does break out, the US and its allies are not guaranteed a win. Russia, China, Britain, U.S. and France say no one can win nuclear war. Now it is China. I think its clear that Australia would be better off staying out of it. If Australia sleepwalks into a war with China, as many analysts fear is happening right now, then amid our strategic slumber we should at least ask one question: what would war with China mean for Australia? Should a war break out around the South China Sea, the US would be under pressure to quickly neutralise the roughly 10 man-made islands China has created (seen as unsinkable aircraft carriers) to use as military bases. If war were to break out, China can be expected to use this to disrupt communications and spread fake news and other disinformation. I think China now has adequate forces, including air, missile, electronic warfare, spec ops, naval, undersea and nuclear, to likely prevail in the first phase and perhaps in subsequent phases too.. I do not think there is any credible chance that America, with or without Australia's support, could win a war with China over Taiwan. Korea was an unnecessary war, as were the conflicts in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. "The scenario of a Chinese attack on Taiwan is often considered the catalyst but even in this case the reasons for, and management of, the breakdown in China-Taiwan relations in the lead up would be critical. The size of the military mobilisation required to achieve this wouldinvolve calling up the reserves and activating the society at large, not just the military,well in advance of an invasion. The Peoples Liberation Army is capable of substantially subduing the US Navy in the waters around China, a Communist Party-owned newspaper boasts. As a career strategic analyst and defense planner, including for Australias Defense Department, I have spent decades studying how a war could start, how it would play out and the military and nonmilitary operations that China is prepared to conduct. "If they think the blockade is failing, they may declare victory by pointing to the damage already inflicted or they might escalate to attacking US forces supporting Taiwan. Inflation and unemployment would surge, especially in the period in which the economy is repurposed for the war effort, which might include some automobile manufacturers switching to building aircraft or food-processing companies converting to production of priority pharmaceuticals. (Handout photo from the U.S. navy) Admiral James Stavridis was 16th Supreme Allied Commander of NATO and 12th Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University. A blockade, he says, would mean that 80 per cent of ships and aircraft would be unable to pass. "One can imagine the sociological fracture in Australia with funerals, commemorations, attacks on Australians of Chinese descent, the curtailing of any progressive economic reconstruction agenda for Australia.". Wed like to hear what you think about this or any of our articles. Vietnam and Iraq were illegal wars, with the US Administration(s) lying to their citizens and their allies about the strategic necessity and the morality of the use of armed force. "The mobilisation for all this would take many months and US intelligence would detect it and know in advance what was being planned. This is how we got here and what needs to change, 'Please confirm what Muslim refers to': Why Ali's birthday payment for his nephew was flagged by his bank, Kade was a fit 31-year-old when he died from a heart attack, Sherpa are world famous for their work, which is synonymous with their name. by Robert Farley L Key Point: Escalation spirals are hard to. Chris Zappone and Eryk Bagshaw June 30, 2021 China-US superpower showdown: military strength Matthew Absalom-Wong The US Air Force boasts nearly 2300 warplanes in service, with another 1422 aircraft in use for the US Navy and Marines, Janes calculates. The Chinese defence budget reached $324 billion this year. How Japan is fortifying a string of tiny islands to fence in China, Taiwan takes lessons from Ukraine as it speeds development of drones for military use, Visiting US Marine Corps chief warns 'everything in the cupboard' needed to prevent war with China, Man discovers two highly venomous species battling in his shed, Inside the family succession drama threatening to change the K-pop industry forever. It would not require the assent of the Governor General and is entirely in the hands of the prime minister of the day. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Guam is 1,300 nautical miles and Honolulu (Pearl Harbor) is over 4,200 nautical miles from Taiwan. This article was originally published by Radio Free Asia and is reprinted with permission. Anyone can read what you share. A blockade may be preceded by firepower strikes. "The consequences for us would be very serious in terms of the Australian economy, the impact on the Australian people and the ravages to our way of life throughout the land, he says. That means large paved airfields, humidity-controlled hangars and AI-enhanced maintenance equipment. We cannot lose a single inch of the lands we inherited from our ancestors, the Chinese Defense Ministrys Information Bureau recently proclaimed, and we would not take a single cent of others possessions., RELATED: Drums of war: Ominous China warning. Mock attacks will no longer be fake. "Assuming that China was eventually able to control the Taiwan Strait, it would deploy land forces to Taiwan, both to subdue/destroy the Taiwanese army, any US or allied ground forces that might be in Taiwan, and then to occupy the country.". "Ultimately, I do not see how America could inflict enough damage on China to force Beijing to concede over Taiwan, without using nuclear weapons. And that is where any fight to resolve Taiwan's fate will be resolved. How this young Indigenous artist is taking inspiration from anime and manga to celebrate his own culture, NBA star Ja Morant suspended, 'takes full responsibility' for nightclub gun video, Andrew Tate shuts down cancer rumors, is accused of recruiting politicians to his cause, 'If carers are going to survive, they need this', says resident pioneering dementia respite care centre. Five-centuries-old saffron and ginger found preserved in shipwreck off Sweden, Chinese migrants walked a gruelling 500km to Victoria's goldfields in the 19th century. Mr. Xi has championed Chinas political warfare capabilities as a magic weapon.. It depends how it starts. Professor Hugh White, a former Deputy Secretary for Strategy and Intelligence in the Department of Defence, Admiral Chris Barrie, Australias most senior military leader asChief of the Defence Force from 1998 to 2002, Allan Behm, a former head of the International Policy and Strategy Divisions of the Defence Department. But Chinas been preparing to take and hold Taiwan by force for decades. 2. It may be possible for the US to operate from bases in northern Australia, though whether overflight rights would be granted by Indonesia is unlikely. America would win because the Australians have been weakened for years by the Emus. Thinking of scale I am reminded that In 1944 the US alone out-produced the rest of the world combined in all war stores before the wars ended in 1945. "Today we can see change for the worse all over the globe. "When the US closed down Bagram airbase in Afghanistan the Afghan Army collapsed. "China's leaders could discreetly offer negotiations to Taiwan's leaders during a blockade before the risky step of ordering an amphibious invasion," Professor Fernandes says. An embarrassed politician may suddenly feel compelled to enforce a vague red line. "They would probably inflict a lot of damage on Chinese targets, but they would suffer very serious losses in the process. It also allows the US to try to promote the notion it is not"an American war". "It would suffer high attrition and its military modernisation and even its one-party Communist rule would be threatened. "Nor can it rely on the US for resupply by sea once a conflict begins. The number of inhabitants is 1,444,390,177. He believesa blockade of Taiwan by China is more likely than a cross-strait invasion. Of all the uncertainty and conflict in the world at moment, the repercussions of Australia joining the US in any war with China over the status of Taiwan or any other issue issurely one of the most important discussions we must have. The aim would be to foster confusion, division and distrust and hinder decision making. These threats from nature pose potentially disastrous outcomes that look inevitable; we have yet to find the statesmen to deal effectively with them. "The forces are relatively evenly matched, because USadvantages in technology are balanced by China's advantages in geography fighting close to home. Allan Behm, who is now head of the international and security program at The Australia Institute, says were the US and China to go to war over the next five to 10 years, the best one might envisage for the US is a stalemate. Tensions continue to simmer . "It is not clear how formidable Taiwan'sdefences would prove to be in the face of a Chinese invasion. "I hope they don't mean that, just as Britain has the Gurkhas, the Americans have us. Its military budget is greater than the combined expenditure of India, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The feud over the reigns of global influence is playing out in Southeast Asia. One accident. And in a defensive war, China has the enormous advantage of mass, as Stalin demonstrated after the end of 1942.". Taiwan cannot be resupplied by land. "Australia's armed forces add very little by way of capability to those of the US. "This would be followed by a sea-crossing phase, a landing phase and a consolidation phase. "Would Australia have taken steps to make sure its own intelligence is based on Australian information and assessments? Chinas military build-up is making a difference. The Miyako Strait connects the East China Sea with the Pacific Ocean. The US has launched 615 satellites into space in the last three years, compared to 168 by China, according to Lowy. But that would require strikes on Chinas mainland, with all the enormous risks of escalation that could portend. To use the words of one leading military analyst, Australia could find itself "sleepwalking" into a war with China. So to contribute to this discussion, Ive sought analysis from four of Australias most experienced military strategists and asked them exactly what Australias involvement in a war with China could look like. Professor Clinton Fernandes is a former intelligence officer with the Australian Army Intelligence Corps and now Professor of International and Political Studies at the University of New South Wales. And a mountain range makes it hard to reinforce via its eastern shores. "It is possible that the impact on Australia could be greater than any other assailant because of our low population. The US is suddenly no longer the world's only military superpower. Australia, however, was a strategic asset. "The military centre of gravity is China's integrated air defence system (IADS) in the south. The United States might be forced to confront the shocking realization that the industrial muscle instrumental in victories like that in World War II President Franklin Roosevelts concept of America as the arsenal of democracy has withered and been surpassed by China. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. "Australia has always had a fascination about China, going well back in our history to pre-federation days. So it would be an even match. The most probable spark is a Chinese invasion of Taiwan. Building a stronger deterrence by addressing such weaknesses is the best means of averting war. These waterways could be used to bottle up Chinese forces. Critical assets such as radars and airfields will immediately be targeted. "In a war involving Taiwan, US forces would be deployed over long distances from CONUS [Continental United States]. And, crucially, they would probably not be able to inflict enough damage to decisively defeat the Chinese. the outcome for the U.S. was not a good one, a new report revealed this week. "A cross-strait Invasion would involve a shaping phase to achieve air, land, sea, and cyber superiority. Get a note direct from our foreign correspondents on whats making headlines around the world. The war in Ukraine reminds us of how uncertain these things canbe for both sides. The war has exposed divisions within the G20 that go beyond Russia and China. "A big unknown is whether Japan would grant expanded rights to the US to use bases located on its territory, without itself joining the combat directly unless its territory is attacked. Australias Air Warfare Destroyers pack just 42. "Washington would expect Australia to contribute the full range of our air and naval forces to the maximum extent of our capability, including surface warships, submarines, F-18 and F-35 fighters, P-8 maritime patrol aircraft, airborne early warning aircraft and tanker aircraft.. With that in mind, I sought the views of four of Australia's most experienced military strategists, with 100 years of high-level military and strategic experience between them,to discuss what joining the US in a war with China could mean for Australians. A rise in tensions between China and Taiwan has raised the prospect of a world war in which Australia will be embroiled.. A Chinese invasion of the island is inevitable within five or six years . China is aware of this gap. "Firepower strikes described above would be accompanied by cyber operations to ensure information is blocked as well. Mastro notes that in war scenarios the US wants to maintain the status quo in the region while China wants to change it. The United States has vital strategic interests at stake. Western submarines will play a role in restraining Chinas surface fleet. "The Kadena air base is 450 nautical miles away from Taiwan and threatened by Chinese surface-to-surface missiles. Conflict over the island of Taiwan would be a disastrous experience for the peoples of the region, and its something that we should all work to avoid. I did not see anything like the same discontent in Australia. Some 64 percent of Australians viewed a potential military conflict between the U.S. and China as a "critical threat" to Australia's national interests, behind Russia's foreign policy (68 percent . And that takes the issue of US-China military prowess back to the all-important issue of politics. It is very plausible to say there is no guarantee of victory in the first phases, Lyle Goldstein, a research professor at the Naval War Colleges China Maritime Studies Institute, told Newsweek. Should US tensions with China flare into a war there is no question that these days Washington would put enormous pressure on Albanese, or any future leader, to join them in that conflict. Would Japan? AEST = Australian Eastern Standard Time which is 10 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time),, Help keep family & friends informed by sharing this article. "To the extent that China's strategy is informed by Sun Tzu, it would have a strong preference for a short, sharp war. Despite this, U.S. military planners would prefer to fight a conventional war. But would Australia immediately take up the fight? But it is already outnumbered. "For its part, Australia is casualty averse, as it should be. All four analysts have held the highest security clearances that its possible to have. "That is why I think it would be a mistake for America, or Australia, to go to war with China over Taiwan.". The US will pursue the following war aims: 1. And the West may not be able to do much about it. Have employers used high inflation as cover to make excessive profits? In providing for our own defence we ought to be able to make sufficient and good quality plans provided we have the will to do so. Ukrainian, Romanian, and US Army Special . "There would thus bea high chance that involvement in a war with China would swiftly exceed the toll in casualties suffered in Vietnam and Korea.". The USs 1.38 million active personnel are better trained and equipped than many of their 1.9 million Chinese peers but getting them in place, and in time, to take on China would be a crucial task. China would have to launch an amphibious invasion, deploying troops along its beaches as the first step in a march towards the capital Taipei. On the military front, the United States should accelerate programs already underway to strengthen and disperse American forces in the Western Pacific to make them less vulnerable to attacks by China. Nor can a military modelled in its image. But it took four vulnerable tanker aircraft to carry them over that 6000km round trip. In the event of a war: what would Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and Australia do? "I worry when politicians start to think it is acceptable to use the media to make threats about war. This service may include material from Agence France-Presse (AFP), APTN, Reuters, AAP, CNN and the BBC World Service which is copyright and cannot be reproduced. Is Australia prepared to pay the price to defend its friend Taiwan from China? Humans have become a predatory species. "I do not know whether Defence planners in Canberra would have made such estimates. He uses it in his new book, The Avoidable War: The Dangers of a Catastrophic Conflict Between the US and Xi Jinping's. And Beijings new navy has been in almost a constant string of live fire exercises for the past year. Then, it was mainly Germany, and from the 1930s Japan. It is for that reason that some commentators, including me, do not think that China is likely to initiate an offensive war in the near future, until it is sure that it has enough mass to win quickly. In this scenario, the US and its allies could respond by conducting airlifts to Taiwan. Chinas new Type-055 destroyers can carry 112 large missiles. For a second day in a row Taiwan has reported a large-scale air force incursion, escalating tensions in the region. In such a scenario, any Australian task force centred on its largely undefended troop transports and limited warship escorts would be under extreme risk. While most members voted in favor of the six U.N. General Assembly resolutions passed since last . ", Any US-China war would be primarily a maritime conflict, and it would be, as we have seen, on a scale unprecedented since the Second World War. Major combat against the US means two nuclear-armed states fighting each other. "If we joined the fight, or allowed US forces involved to operate from bases here, then there would be a clear chance that Australia would face direct attack from Chinese long-range forces. Chinas airfields, naval ports and missile bases are all nearby. And Australia could be fighting for its survival. Australia's oldest running coal-fired power station is about to close. U.S. citizens have grown accustomed to sending their military off to fight far from home. It can deny the United States control of the air within 300 nautical miles (556km) from China's coast. The divergence of the two Taiwan scenarios, a Chinese military attack or an invasion, says a lot about the relative military power of the US and China, itself a barometer of the strength of the two superpowers. The head of Russian mercenary group Wagner says his forces have practically encircled the crucial city of Bakhmut. Credit:AP. A former US Army lieutenant colonel has warned of a possible "nuclear exchange" if the US breaks out into war with China. Australia is especially exposed. "Specifically, China would probably favour four principal avenues for marginalising or defeating Australia. "The fundamental assumption that we could win a war against China is wrong-headed and hawkish; it is also very risky. And the protagonists are testing each others resolve on an almost daily basis. Would any divergence of perspectives be thrashed out before going to war? "A cross-strait invasion is the most dangerous scenario from China's perspective. By the time the Peoples Liberation Army launches its third volley of missiles at the island Beijing considers a breakaway province, the US could be just learning of the attack. 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